Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Carving Take Two

Last Friday was a very busy, stressful, and fun day! After  I arrived home from work Blake came over and we headed on over to Pep Boys the auto parts store. One of the tires on my Outback was leaking air and almost all of them were bald so I needed new ones. The problems with my car never end. Getting new tires was something that I was dreading, and was adding a ton of stress to my life. The day before this on Thursday, Blake, being the awesome boyfriend that he is called around to a bunch of auto stores to price compare and see what the best deal out there was. By the end of that Thursday night we had decided to get my new tires from Pep Boys because we had found a 20% off coupon. Unfortunately they only had 3 of the tires on Thursday so we had to wait till Friday so they could order an extra one.

When we were in the waiting room at Pep Boys my really good friend Noah Knight came and visited Blake and I, and it was so good to catch up with him. The time it took for them to finish everything with my car really flew by. When they told us my car was ready, and we went up to pay, they apologized that it had taken so long. Apparently my car had been ready for over a half hour before then and they were just so busy they couldn't get to the waiting room to tell me it was ready to go. Since we had to wait so long the amazing man working the cash register gave us a ton off on my tires on top of the 20% off! I ended up only having to pay $226.00 which I took as a major win in life! 

After we left Pep Boys Blake and I went rock climbing at our favorite indoor gym The Quarry. We didn't have a lot of time so we just climbed for about an hour and a half before we had to leave. We had plans later that evening to carve pumpkins with our friends Jordan and Jentre, along with Jentre's roommates Kaci and Jessica. 

After we were done climbing we met the group at The Branbury where Jentre, Kaci, Jessica, and I live. We then went and picked out our pumpkins in the good old Macy's parking lot. Picking out pumpkins is a pretty hard task. In the end Blake and I found the perfect pumpkin which, looking back on it wasn't so perfect because it couldn't stand up on it's own very well.  Anyway, Kaci did a cute smiley face and Jess did an awesome Pokemon. This is a picture of Kaci and Jessica with Jordan and Jentre in the background looking really into their pumpkin carving. 

Since Blake had pink eye last weekend and couldn't make it up to my parents house to carve pumpkins Friday was the first time we have got to carve pumpkins together and it was so much fun. 

Blake has a weird obsession with saying "kitty cat", it is one of his favorite things to say, next to "steve". Which I think are two pretty strange things to say on a regular basis. Blake also used to say "turd-burglar" all the time until we decided to name all our hermit crabs turd-burglars. My logic is that if we name a thing something blake says all the time maybe he will stop saying it so much (even though that is one thing I love about him, his weirdness). The pumpkin below is my experiment with this and turns out it hasn't really stopped him from saying either of those things... So epic fail at the experiment but major win because our pumpkin turned out awesome, good old steve.  

Jordan and Jentre carved a very cool bird. Their bird was inspired by Pinterest, Portland, and hipsters. It really was such a fun night carving pumpkins with all our friends.

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