Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Six

My lovely older sister Shantel generally does a blog post every week called Friday Five. It just sums up the week nicely with the five main highlights, the five most important things that happened that week. I really love this idea, because even if nothing huge happened it is still a good way to remember the little things. I dropped the ball on this one because it is Sunday not Friday, so since I missed the cut off I just decided to go with six things instead of five. That way there is still alliteration in the title, and that is really important, right? 

1.  First of all my boyfriend Blake has been out of town since last Saturday. Every year his family goes to California to visit their relatives and to just have a fun vacation. I wasn't able to make the trip, and I have missed him so much while he has been gone. I obviously have been surviving but it is super lame when your best friend takes off without you for a whole week! Thanks to modern day technology I was still able to talk to him on the phone a ton, and we were even able to Skype a couple times. I am just really excited for him to get home tonight!

2.  Since Blake has been gone his roommate Josh, has been feeding the fish, in our fish tank. That way I wouldn't have to drive all the way to his house, in South Provo, every day just to feed them. I did however have to check on the tank a couple times in the week just to make sure the certain levels, temperature, salinity, alkalinity, etc. were safe and normal.

 When I first arrived at Blake's house on Tuesday the first thing that I noticed was that the Feather Duster, that we had just bought, that previous Friday, had moved all the way on the other side of the tank from where we had placed it. I was confused because they are only supposed to move a couple inches tops and that is just to get better positioned in the current. I then noticed that there was a little Hermit Crab on it and it was eating the parchment type layer off of the tube. When we first got it this is what the Feather Duster looked like, all covered in the first layer which is sort of tan and looks like paper.

 I was pretty upset at that little Hermit Crab, mainly because we had just gotten the Feather Duster, and I didn't want the Hermit Crab to hurt it. I called Blake and based on everything we read I don't think that the hermit crab was bothering the Feather Duster to much. If it is really threatened the Feather Duster detaches it's crown (which is the feather duster part) from it's body. I really hope that the Hermit Crab stops because it is kind of freaky, you can almost see the worm through the clear part of the tube, and I don't like it. We are just going to keep an eye on it and make sure nothing bad happens.

Other than that our new corals are doing awesome. The Cinnamon Polyp opened up, and the Hammer Coral looks more at home than ever! After filling it up with some more water, and making sure the levels were fine I left hoping that the Feather Duster would be okay. I guess we will see next week if the Feather Duster has survived!

3. On Tuesday night I was fast asleep in bed. I was in a very deep sleep the type of sleep where you have the weridest dreams, and sleep so soundly. A little after 1 o'clock in the morning there was a pounding at my door. Since I was in such a deep sleep it was hard to tell what was in my dream and what was real. I have a sliding glass door in my room, so for a second I thought someone was outside trying to come in (totally freaked me out). Eventually I woke up enough to realize it was the Branbury maintenance man outside my bedroom door.

 Apparently the 3rd floor had a flood (shocker) and it was leaking down through the apartments. Luckily (<--sarcasm), I was the only bedroom in my apt that was threatened by this flood/leak. Concequently he made me move all of my stuff out from under my bed, which was a lot since it was up on cinder blocks for extra storage space, and pile it on one side of my room. The carpet under my bed was soaked and there was mold growing up against my wall.

I am not a rocket scientist but if there was mold already there, I figured that it wasn't just from the flood that had happened that night, something probably had been leaking for a while. I was exhasted and since I had to wake up early in the morning I just went into the spare bedroom in our apt and fell asleep there.

The following morning I got a call from the Branbury office asking me to move into the epmpty bedroom, that I had slept in that night, indefinitely. They were not sure how long I would be unable to live in my room. When I got home from work that night, there were holes cut out of my wall and fans placed on my carpet.

Turns out not only did the water from the 3rd floor leak down through my wall, but the pipes from the bathroom next to my bedroom have been leaking since I moved in. They have to fix a bunch of stuff even before I have the option of moving back in. I have had so many issues with the Branbury it is so wild that I have had to deal with two flooding issues in less than a month. Oddly enough I still love it here, and I would take having to move into a spare bedroom to avoid mold and soaking carpet a million times over versus my last apt complex that charged me 150 dollars for trespassing on the other side of my shared room!

4.  Every year Mountain Works, a climbing gear shop (which is awesome) helps to host the Reel Rock Tour. They sell tickets a couple months in advance and the premier of the movie is shown at UVU in the Ragan Theater. It is always a good time. A theater room, completely sold out, full of every sort of climber you would think of.

The climbing community in Utah Valley is so awesome! Everyone is very friendly so I love going to these types of things since you are sure to know a majority of the people in attendance. I went with my good friend Merto and the film was super awesome! Reel Rock is always broken into four short films with different stories. This year was so cool, I especially loved the one called Spice Girls, which was about bold climbing, and very inspiring to women!

5. General Confrence weekend! One of the best weekends of the year. I always look forward to General Conference. I love listening to the talks and getting the answers to all my questions and prayers, as well as just listening to the word of god from the Prophet, along with all the other leaders of our amazing and true church.

My roommates are not LDS so luckily, on Saturday, my sister Shantel invited me to her house in Lehi to watch Confrence with her husband David and daugher Lydia.

They are so awesome to always have me up to their house. Lydia was just so darling, she was wearing a cute bow, pink pajamas with a unicorn on them, and brown winter boots, the best combanation! I love the Peaden's becuase I always have fun. They had confrence bingo, which is the best game ever invented. You just put a treat on the square and when they talk about that subject you get to eat the treat! It was awesome and so delicious! I don't know if I say it enough how blessed I am to have family so close!

6. Ever since I was one and half I have had a best friend named Lauren Larsen. We have been best friends practically since she was in the womb. My mom baby-sat her older brother David, and when Lauren was born she became a part of our family right away. That little bald girl was a riot! Every day was a new adventure for us, and we spent all of our time together. She was a year younger than me so we were not in the same grade in school but the second the bell rang that signaled the end of the day we were side by side, and during the summers we were inseparable!

It is funny how we were so close as friends because we couldn't be more different people. Lauren absolutley loves the lime light, I am pretty sure her first college play was when she was 5 years old, and she definitely didn't stop there. She also loved playing dress up and getting all fancy in necklaces and scarfs. I however can't get up in front of a large group of people without dying of fear and seemed to always be  the tom boy compared to her. Despite her being an extravert and me, being an introvert, while growing up, we were still best friends.

When I first found out Lauren got engaged I was so happy for her! It is the weirdest thing to grow up, and get older. I moved from Ephraim when I was twelve years old and Lauren is my first childhood friend to get married. It was a lot different to me than when my high school friends got married, because I have known her since before she could walk. 

When I first saw her in her dress I completley lost it and started crying. I am so excited for this little doll to spend the rest of eternity with the love of her life. They are so darling together and I am just happy that she found her perfect guy. 


  1. Melissa, I love the "Sunday Six." Also I loved hearing about everything going on. Your room is so sad, nobody likes mold. Thanks for coming over for conference.

  2. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever because guess what, I did not even know you were charged $150 for tresspassing on the wrong side of your room! I seriously want to hear more about that story!

    I am sad that your hermit crab is eating your feather duster. But I am happy that Blake is probably home now! And I am happy that Blake's roommate did not kill your fishes.

    General conference looked like so much fun! And I am so glad you went down for Lauren's Wedding! I love that picture of when you are little! I just love you so much!

  3. I loved every single one of these. Tell that hermit crab to back off your feather duster. Mold = Lame. Did you know that I went to something like the Reel Rock thing - but in Logan? It was way fun but I felt really out of my element and my date had to keep telling me what everything was. I think it's cool that you went and had fun. I'm glad that you liked our Bingo game. We loved having you over, mostly because we love you, even if you did have to leave to go see Lauren (so pretty!).

    I'm glad that Blake is back!
