Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

THE LOVELAND LIVING PLANET AQUARIUM!! That's right I said it! It has officially opened! Okay, I might be a little late on this. The new location opened in Draper in March. During that time Blake and I were a little busy, being newly weds, moving into our new home, you know that kind of stuff. Anyways, back to the aquarium. . .

Blake and I finally hit our 6 month anniversary last Monday. Since it was a Monday I work till 8 so we didn't really have any time to celebrate. We decided to celebrate our anniversary the following weekend! You guessed it, we went to the Living Planet Aquarium. It was absolutely amazing!

When we first arrived at the aquarium we went to the 4D movie, The Last Reef. It was so fun! If you are not familiar with 4D movies, you get air and or water sprayed on you at certain times in the movie. Along with that it is a 3D movie! It was a great film all about reefs and how we can help them survive. 

Blake and I had a blast looking at all the different types of animals they had. (Isn't he attractive)

Some of my favorite animals were the yellow dart frogs and the four eyed fish. The fish with four eyes have two that look above the surface and two that look below. They are pretty funny looking!

The Jelly Fish, are always my person favorites as well. 

Around the time that Blake and I started dating my friend Jonny showed me a documentary on Cuttle Fish. It was absolutely mind blowing. I had to show Blake and I believe he really enjoyed it. If you have the time I would 100% recommend this amazing wonder. We have often joked about getting a Cuttle Fish, because they are so cool!!! I have never actually seen one in person until this day. Here is a picture, it kind of blends in the rock but still it is the coolest fish hands down. 

The aquarium was such a blast. I love spending every moment of my free time with this guy. I can't believe that I found someone I have so much in common with. The first 6 months of my eternity with this guy could not have been more perfect! 


  1. Hi Melissa! Great post! Would it be okay if the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium posts this to our social media pages? We love the cuttlefish too!

  2. This is my 3rd time typing something here without it publishing, so all I am going to say is you are cool. Love you!
