Saturday, November 16, 2013

Organizing the Storage Room

Every year when we ask my mother what she wants for her birthday she says "I want the storage room organized." which is an understandable thing to want because it is pretty unorganized. Last year my sister Shantel did an amazing job at going through all the boxes that hadn't been touched in years, and organized my parents storage room wonderfully. Unfortunately, there were plenty of boxes full of papers and other odds and ends that no one got around to going through, and after a year even more things got piled up in this forgotten room.

This year when we all asked my mom what she wanted for her birthday she said for the storage room to be organized (of course). Blake, (I know I say this almost every time I mention him) being the most amazing boyfriend ever, agreed to go to my parents house last Friday and Saturday to help me out. Friday we drove up to Morgan, after Blake's work. When we got there we had dinner, and we didn't actually get around to doing any work, instead we just caught up with my parents and watched a few episodes of Doctor Who. I am trying to have Blake watch all of the episodes before November 25th, that is the 50th anniversary episode, and I want him to watch it and know what is going on! Shout out to all the Whovians out there.

Saturday morning however we went right to work. I didn't really know where to start so we just started taking all the boxes out into my parents family room just to have empty space to work with in the storage room. I remembered to take a few before pictures after we had already started so just imagine a couple more boxes. :)

Blake organized all the food storage and I went through the boxes of stuff. It really was fun, and I love running across things that stir up old memories! We had to be back to Provo by six because Blake was playing at a venue,and we were running a little behind because I made chocolate chip cookies for Blake's show. I didn't get quite as much done as I would have liked, so I made a plan to come back the following week to my parents house.

Blake and I left my parents a little after four. That way we could have enough time to go to his house, get his drums, and go to his gig at Velour. Velour is a really cool venue and I love going to see bands there. This is the first show that I was able to go to of Blake's, because the last couple have been in 21+ venues or bars (one of those moments dating someone 10 years older than you isn't a plus). This is a picture of the band playing and right over Kevin, the guy in the middle's shoulder is Blake's head. Unfortunately this is the only picture I got of him playing. 

It really was so much fun watching them play and they did a really good job. Everyone in the band are really talented and I love the style of music that they play. It was awesome. 


  1. I cannot believe how good the storage room looks! You are so awesome! I would love to come listen to Blake's band sometime!

  2. That is a true labor of love! You did a great job…the storage room looks great!
