Friday, September 20, 2013

Saturday Shopping and Snails

Have I ever said how much I love Saturdays? If I haven't I sure do love Saturdays. My favorite day of the week! This past Saturday, unlike most of my weekends, was dedicated to running errands. Sometimes you just have to be an adult, but who said running errands can't be fun?

In the morning Blake picked me up and we drove over to the Volkswagen dealership in Orem. Blake's tires seemed to be out of alignment and he just wanted to have them check his car out. Unfortunately they were slammed and we didn't get a spot before they closed. So next on the list was to go shopping. 

We scored some really great deals and came out of the situation with two shirts for blake and a maxi skirt for myself. Also I had the chance to taste some chocolate covered bacon. Thanks to Blake and his diabetes. Just because he gets low blood sugar and needs to eat a treat, it shouldn't mean I get one as well but it usually turns out that way because Blake is such a good boyfriend. Honestly eating chocolate covered bacon is strange and let me tell you I don't know if I would recommend it. Bacon, chocolate, bacon, chocolate, the tastebuds in your mouth just can't decide on what the flavor is. If I were you I would stick to chocolate truffles and salted carmel chocolates. Unless of course you are a die hard bacon fan, (which I thought I was) then by all means go ahead and have the chocolate covered bacon. 

With shopping and eating out of the way I suggested we go to an art museum. One thing I love about the University Mall in Orem is that on the second floor there is the Woodbury Art Museum and it is free to the public. Every couple of months they get a brand new exhibit and they are always very interesting to go and see. Since we were already at the mall Blake agreed to go.

The whole exhibit was on active light, and all the art pieces had some sort of a light component in them. A lot of the pictures were really awesome but my favorite part was when we got really cool (almost David Tennant style) glasses. With the glasses you got to look into tubes full of different gasses and see how the gasses reflect light differently. The glasses, when you look at any light, refract it into a rainbow of colors which is very entertaining. 

There were also other displays where light refracts through glass, to cast certain shadows and other things, but my favorite one was the one shown below. The main reason being becuase in this picture Blake actually looks large, which I find hilarious and I realize that is very childish. It is just very rare becuase I don't think blake will ever be larger than he is currently. The exhibit was really cool, and seriously if you are ever in the University Mall check out the Woodbury Art Museum. 

Now, almost a year ago on Christmas eve I was in need of a haircut. My bangs had grown out and I liked them short at the time, so I convinced my sister Shantel to get Bangs, because she didn't have at the time, and I convinced my other sister Jenna to get straight across bangs. All in all it was a very successful day. That however was the last time I had gotten a haircut. Almost a year ago! I thought it was time.

Not knowing anyone who cuts hair in the Utah Valley area we just drove on over to Craig's Cuts in Orem. I am trying to grow my hair and bangs out so I got a nice little trim, fixed some of my layers, and freshened up my bangs which currently are at a pretty awkward length since they haven't quite grown out yet. 

After I was done I went out to the car where Blake had been patiently waiting for me. He had been doing two things while I was getting my hair cut, napping and looking up pictures of haircuts I had previously recommended to him. Blake was in a bind wether to get his hair cut or not. I thought he should! So he did, he went with the whole shorter on the sides, longer on the top style! I think it looks great! Not that I didn't think he looked good before! :)


When we finished with getting our haircuts, we ran over to one of our favorite local saltwater shops to get some more janitors for our tank! The Algae was taking over the glass and our hermit crabs, while they were doing a good job turning the sand over and cleaning the rocks, weren't doing one important thing, cleaning the glass. 

We were lacking something very important, Snails! After looking at some really cool corals, fish, and giant hermit crabs we left the store, being new owners to 20 snails, and 5 new baby hermit crabs. The hermit crabs that they had at the store seriously were 1/3 of the size of the hermit crabs we currently own. We were told that the smaller the hermit crabs are the less likely they are to eat the snails but I am just worried our other hermit crabs might have the baby hermit crabs for dinner!

Putting the Snails into the tank was the most entertaining thing I have ever seen. When they were in the bag they all stuck onto each other instead of the plastic.

When we tried to put them into the tank they just came out kind of in a huge snail blob. When we placed them into the tank some fell off onto the sand but a majority of them were glued together. It took them about ten minutes to get their senses together and it was almost pathetic and so funny trying to watch them get off of each other. 

Slowly, very slowly (what do you expect they are snails) and after climbing all over each other they found their own spot on the glass and went to work. Within hours the corners where most of the algae was, were sparkling clean. Eventually the snails spread all over the tank and rocks, cleaning away. 

I am so glad that the tank is becoming more entertaining to watch. Mind you, I always did love just watching our very first turd-burglars (hermit crabs) but they mostly just sit on the rocks occasionally picking at them for food. The snails on the other hand are so fun to see move around and their mouths on the glass is the weariest thing to watch! 

Andy our clownfish is doing very well he finally has gotten use to the tank and is always swimming around and exploring. Overall we are very happy with our new additions to the tank and can't wait till next week when we get to pick out another fish!

1 comment:

  1. Wow those snails are so funny! I don't remember if I told you but I think your haircut is darling. And Blake's is nice, too.

    You told us about the museum and I wanted to go, but now reading abut it again I REALLY want to go. Maybe we will make a trip down there this week. It sounds like so much fun.

    At risk of sounding like a broken record. I love your blog!
