Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Hero

Looking back on it, it was a very cursed day when I informed my father that I wanted to get a Subaru Outback. Not the newer ones of course because I didn't like the way they looked, but the older style! After weeks and weeks of looking around trying to find the best one I found the perfect white Subaru Outback! Besides the strange noise the car made when you tried to turn the defrost on, all was well and I couldn't have been happier! :)

One year later and many, many car problems later, my car was running just fine, besides a slow oil leak. Which was remedied by the occasional oil top off. Then one day my car started to overheat. I only had to drive to work that day so by the time I got home it hadn't completely stopped working. When I got back to my apt, I called my ever reliable Dad to ask him how to check the coolant levels in my car because I feared they might be getting low.

He instructed me on how to check the level, what kind to buy, and how to fill it up! That evening my car seemed to be working fine so I knew just to keep an eye on the coolant levels and my life, as far as my car was concerned, would be peachy.

The next morning while I was driving to work my car started to overheat again. I was devastated! When I got home from work later that day, I of course called my Dad! I had already bought some more coolant and was just going to run everything by him again to make sure I was doing it correct.

While he was on the phone, I poured the liquid into my car and immediately heard a trickling sound. After looking under my car all I could say to my dad was "I am going to send you a video of what my car is doing."  Then I sent him this video.

My dad is one of the most charitable, selfless people I know, after seeing the waterfall pouring out from under my car he jumped into his car and came down to Provo, which is an hour and a half drive! Just to look at my car. (Of course he made a quick stop to see my darling niece in Lehi on the way. Shout out to my sister Shantel and her husband David for making such a cute little girl!)

When my Dad made it to my apt my boyfriend Blake was already there looking my car over.
Right when my father arrived, he looked in my engine and found a giant crack on the side of my radiator. My Dad laid out my options for me and they all made it so I wouldn't have my car for at least a few days. Which is unfortunate because how else would I get to work. Blake was kind enough to offer his car to me for the days my vehicle would be out of commission, which was so nice of him, but either way I was pretty bummed.

My Dad said he would make a quick call to a local auto parts store, so I gave him the number of my favorite O'Riley's (yes I have a favorite auto parts store). Amazingly enough, they happened to have a radiator, for the model of my car, in stock which seriously was a miracle.
We hurried on over to the store and after looking over two different radiators, getting advice from a random man, and purchasing everything we would need to get the job done, we were back in my apartment complex's parking lot.

My dad really is one of the most talented men I know. Not only can he sew and cook very well, but he is extremely skilled when it comes to vehicles. Within 30 minutes, my Dad, with the help of Blake (I just held the flashlight) removed my old radiator, and installed my new one!

 I am so blessed to have my family living so close to me. I don't know what I would have done if my Dad hadn't have been so awesome and driven down to help me out. I am grateful to have such a good relationship with my father and I hope he will always know I think he is one of the most amazing men in the world!


  1. I love this post so much! Dad seriously is the most amazing man! He would do anything for any of us. I am so grateful for him! I hope your car runs well and that you don't have anymore car problems!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out. It made me laugh. Lydia is pretty cute.

    He really is a wonderful man. We are lucky girls!
