Friday, September 6, 2013

Christmas in September

A few days ago Blake ordered some new stuff for our tank online and today it finally arrived! Few feelings in this world can match coming home to a porch piled high with boxes, just waiting to be opened. Just kidding, but really it is a very happy feeling!

What we got was two power heads, a fancy-shamncy light, a digital thermometer, and a digital power center (which is just a bunch of plug outlets you can set to turn on at different times).

I was so happy! My job was to assemble the power heads, which are just basically fans in the water. The first power head, we are going to use to disrupt the surface of the water, kind of like mimicking little waves. One of the people we talked to about power heads explained it by saying, "The best thing to do is copy mother nature, is the ocean ever not moving?" The other power head we put lower in the tank and aimed it just right to create a sort of current or water flow.

Blake's job was to put together the light. The reason that we had to get a new light is because we are planning on putting corals into our tank. It has day and night  lights and just makes the tank look really cool!

These are the new lights and power heads in and on our tank! 

Now we have everything we need to start bringing fish and coral on board! We just have to decide what our first fish is going to be!


  1. No but really, that's why the amazon box has a smile on it. So much happiness....brown paper packages tied up with strings..

  2. I love getting packages in the mail. Love, love, love it. Sometimes I order things online that I could technically buy in the store just because I like to see the packages on my doorstep. The tank is looking great!
